Holding systems

Variotrac®, ceiling rail or static hook? -A suitable solution for every requirement.

Whether above the delivery tub, the birthing stool or the delivery bed – a support rope is indispensable.

75 percent of pregnant women in Germany give birth lying down – and thus actually in the “wrong” position, as midwives and doctors fundamentally agree. Although every birth is different and one cannot speak of “right” or “wrong”, the lying down position often brings disadvantages during childbirth. Lying down narrows the birth canal and the pelvic floor cannot relax properly. Experience shows that lying births are often more painful and take longer. For a long time there were hardly any alternatives in German delivery rooms. Although the gynaecological chair has been obsolete for some years now, at least for births, the birthing bed is part of the standard equipment. However, many clinics choose to offer mothers different options. The support rope is a useful aid here.

Even among primitive peoples, standing birth was considered the gentlest way to bring a child into the world. For stability, women often held on to lianas or branches – where none were available, strong ropes were often attached in birth huts. In the delivery room, a stable support rope takes over this task. Due to the standing position and the woman’s mobility, so-called “adjustment movements” are possible at any time. The pain becomes more bearable, less painkillers have to be given, the birth remains as natural as possible. FEBROMED offers a whole range of support ropes, as individual solutions or also in combination packages for birthing systems.


Static Hook

Ceiling rail

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